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Analysis of Thin Film Solar Cell Design. Solar CELL

Abstract − Solar Cell is becoming the new source of producing electricity. Light is converted into electricity in Solar Cell. In our experiment we analyzed fill factor and conversion efficiency of a solar cell. Our fill factor is 66.1582  and efficiency is 16.9166 %. There are ways these parameters can be improved.
   Keywords − Solar Cell, Tcad, Conversion efficiency , Fill factor , Loss .
Solar cell converts optical signal into electrical signal. By this device , we can get electricity without using any battery or voltage. So this is very important device for rural areas where electricity is not available. And they don’t need to pay for it. But in cloudy areas , less solar electricity is produced.
With increasing population of the world, Engineers are finding it difficult to produce more electricity and fulfill the necessity of electricity. So solar cell can be the optimum solution of need of electricity. It is economic and environment friendly energy with a very cheap cost.
In 1839 French scientist Edmond Becquerel first discovered that light absorbed by a material can produce electrical voltage.


Then years after years Selenium’s photoconductivity, first solar cell photoelectric effect, Silicon solar cell were discovered. Now, solar energy is used in space and more research is going on.[2].
Advantages of Solar Cells-Renewable energy - The energy can be used both to generate electricity and heat in the house. Renewable energy is recovered from the sun, the wind and waves - which in this case is the sun.Solar cells harness the energy from the sun and transform this into usable electricity.

              II. LOSSES IN SOLAR CELL
We get less current as output than we expected. Because some losses occur and current decreases. The losses can be of  two types  : Internal and external  losses.
Internal losses consist of Recombination and series or shunt loss .External losses consist of reflection loss ,
transmission loss and shadow loss. These losses are described below :
i)Reflection Loss : When light falls on the surface of solar cell ,not all light goes through. Some reflects and can’t pass through. This is called reflection loss.
ii)Transmission Loss : All the light that goes into solar cell does not convert into electrical signal. Rather some comes out from below. This is transmission loss. Amount of  this loss is little.
iii)Shadow Loss : Since we place grid on top to collect current, light cannot pass through the grid and there is a shadow below the grid. This is shadow loss.
iv)Recombination Loss :Sometimes electron and proton recombines, so number of electron decreases , so current decreases .This is called recombination loss.
v)Series and Shunt Loss : When current flows , the losses occur in same way is series loss and parallel way is shunt loss.

We used a basic Solar cell in our experiment. We took it from Silvaco website example 1[1] . Solar cell are designed with some layers like TCO , buffer , Emitter , Absorber and Al layer.
An ideal TCO is fully transparent , has wide range of wave length, higher conductivity. For example: Graphene, ITO, FTO. Buffer layer is the layer below TCO layer. In emitter layer p  diffusion is used and in absorber layer n diffusion is used. We use p  above n , not n above n , because when first p , then n is used , the speed of electricity is more. At last Al layer is used so that Schottky junction does not form. We use Al because work function of Al is greater than 4.1 eV.
We analyzed the performance parameter fill factor and conversion efficiency . We found out fill factor and conversion efficiency by observing the following graphs.
Figure 01 : Physical Structure Of Solar Cell
Figure 1 shows the physical structure of solar cell used in our experiment.
Figure 02 : Cathode current(A) vs Anode Voltage(V)
Figure 2 shows the source photocurrent, available photo current  and cathode current  with increase of wavelength . The source photo current is linearly increasing with increase of Anode voltage. But available photo current and cathode current decreases when wavelength is greater than 0.87 nm which is wavelength of red light. So red light and infra-red cannot be absorbed . So amount of current decreases.

Figure 03 : Anode current / available photo curremt with respect to optical wavelength(µm) of Internal and external quantum efficiency
Figure 3 represents how much current we get with increase of wavelength. Current increases from 0.3 – 0.5 µm which is wavelength of Violet , ,Blue , Indigo. Current is nearly constant from 0.5 – 0.8  µm which is wavelength of green , yellow and orange. Current decreases in range 0.8 – 1 µm. Because red and infrared light cannot be absorbed.
There are internal and external losses in Solar Cell. Electrical losses occur in range of (0.3 – 0.5 ) µm and  (0.8 - 1) . Electrical losses consist of surface re-commendation , volume recombination and series and shunt loss. Optical loss occurs in (0.5 – 0.8) µm. Optical loss consist of reflection loss , transmission loss and shadow loss. These kinds of losses are described in II. We can reduce the reflection loss by using anti-reflection coating (ARC).
To find out the efficiency and fill factor we need to observe the following curves.

Figure 04 : Anode power vs Anode bias
Figure 4 represents Anode power with respect to Anode bias. From this curve we get Maximum voltage Vm. When power is maximum , we get maximum voltage. In this solar cell , Vm = 0.34 V when Pm = 0.0169229  W .  
Figure 05 : Electric field of Solar Cell.
In figure 5: This is electric field of our solar cell. inside a solar cell, the n-type silicon's spare electrons jump over to fill the gaps in the p-type silicon. This means that the n-type silicon becomes positively charged, and the p-type silicon is negatively charged, creating an electric field across the cell.
Our Solar Cell is n-type absorber base solar cell.
Figure 06 : Energy Band Diagram of Solar Cell.
Electrons can gain enough energy to jump to the conduction band by absorbing either a "phonon" (heat) or a "photon" (light) with at least band gap energy. Photons with energy less than the band gap will not separate electron pairs and simply pass through the solar cell.
Figure 07 : Fill Factor of Solar Cell.
The Fill Factor (FF) is essentially a measure of quality of the solar cell. It is calculated by comparing the maximum power to the theoretical power (PT) that would be output at both the open circuit voltage and short circuit current together
 Dark current and photo current are shown. Dark current is the current flowing opposite to photo current. We can get maximum current from this curve when Vm = 0.34 V . We got maximum current Im = 0.0497732 A. We can get the efficiency from Tcad software.
Our efficiency was 16.9166 % .
We get Isc when V= 0 , Voc when I = 0 . From figure 7 . Using this value , we get fill factor by following equation ,
F =     ………. (1)
Our fill factor is 66.1582 which was good.

Our Fill Factor  was high. Our conversion efficiency was medium. So design of our solar cell was not so much efficient. We need to improve it so that conversion efficiency increases. We can do that by increasing doping of top side or using materials of high bandgap on top layer and low bandgap on bottom layer. Or using hetero junction i.e. different materials or using materials having band gap of around 1.4 eV. We can also use multi junction  to get a very good conversion efficiency.


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